Showing posts with label #SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #SEO. Show all posts

Monday, March 6, 2023

Relevance of SEO in Software as a Service (SAAS) Industry?

 Relevance of SEO in the Software as a Service (SAAS) Industry?

Relevance of SAAS SEO
Relevance of SAAS SEO

What is Software as a Service (SAAS) Industry?

SaaS stands for "Software as a Service." The SaaS industry is a business model in which software is delivered over the internet, typically on a subscription basis, rather than through a one-time purchase. In this model, the software is hosted by a third-party provider and is accessible to customers via a web browser or mobile app.

SaaS companies offer various software products and services, such as customer relationship management (CRM), marketing automation, project management, accounting, and human resources. These software products help businesses improve their productivity, efficiency, and profitability.

The SaaS industry has proliferated in recent years, as more businesses have shifted from traditional on-premise software to cloud-based solutions. This has led to increased competition in the industry, as well as a greater focus on innovation and customer experience.

why SAAS the industry is unique for seo?

The SaaS (Software as a Service) industry is unique for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) because of several reasons:

Highly competitive industry: 

The SaaS industry is highly competitive, with numerous players competing for the same keywords and audience. As a result, SEO becomes crucial for SaaS companies to differentiate themselves from their competitors and attract relevant traffic to their websites.

Long buying cycle: 

The SaaS buying cycle is typically longer than other industries, with customers spending a considerable amount of time researching and comparing different software solutions before making a purchase. SEO plays a critical role in attracting potential customers at various stages of the buying cycle and guiding them toward a purchase.

Content-driven marketing: 

SaaS companies often rely on content-driven marketing strategies, such as blogging, whitepapers, and webinars, to educate potential customers about their software solutions. SEO plays a vital role in driving organic traffic to these pieces of content and generating leads for the business.

Complex products: 

SaaS products can be complex, with numerous features and functionality that require explanation. SEO helps SaaS companies create content that explains these features in detail and answers potential customers' questions.

Targeting niche audiences: 

SaaS companies often target niche audiences, such as businesses in a specific industry or with a particular set of requirements. SEO helps these companies reach their target audience through targeted keyword research and content optimization.

Overall, SEO is crucial for SaaS companies to drive organic traffic, generate leads, and differentiate themselves in a highly competitive industry.


what are the benefits of SEO for the SAAS industry?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can offer several benefits to SaaS (Software as a Service) companies, including:

 Increased visibility: 

SEO helps SaaS companies improve their visibility on search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find their products and services. This can result in increased website traffic and brand awareness.

Cost-effective marketing: 

SEO is a cost-effective marketing strategy that can help SaaS companies generate high-quality leads at a lower cost than traditional advertising channels. This is especially important for SaaS companies that may have limited marketing budgets.

Better user experience: 

SEO involves optimizing a website for user experience, which can lead to a better overall customer experience. This includes improving website speed, navigation, and mobile responsiveness, all of which can help improve customer satisfaction and reduce bounce rates.

Higher conversion rates: 

SEO can help SaaS companies target relevant keywords and create content that resonates with their target audience. This can lead to higher conversion rates as potential customers are more likely to engage with content that addresses their specific needs and pain points.

Competitive advantage: 

SEO can help SaaS companies differentiate themselves from their competitors by optimizing for unique keywords and creating content that positions them as thought leaders in their industry. This can help build brand trust and loyalty, resulting in long-term customer relationships.

Overall, SEO can be a powerful tool for SaaS companies to improve their online presence, generate high-quality leads, and gain a competitive advantage in their industry.


what are the tips for improving your SAAS SEO strategy?

Here are some tips for improving your SaaS (Software as a Service) SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy:

Conduct keyword research:

 Identify relevant keywords that your target audience is searching for and optimize your website and content around those keywords. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush to find keywords with high search volume and low competition.

Optimize your website structure: 

Ensure that your website has a clear and logical structure, with a sitemap that is easy for search engines to crawl. Use descriptive and keyword-rich URLs, and optimize your page titles and meta descriptions.

Create high-quality content: 

Create high-quality and relevant content that addresses your target audience's pain points and answers their questions. This can include blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, and product demos. Use a content calendar to ensure a consistent publishing schedule and promote your content on social media and other relevant channels.

Build quality backlinks: 

Build high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in your industry. This can improve your website's domain authority and help drive more traffic to your website. You can achieve this through guest posting, influencer outreach, and creating shareable content.

Optimize for mobile: 

Ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices. Google favors mobile-friendly websites and penalizes those that are not mobile-friendly. Make sure that your website loads quickly on mobile devices and that your content is easy to read and navigate.

Monitor and analyze your results: 

Use tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush to monitor your website's traffic and performance. Analyze your results to identify areas of improvement and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly.

By following these tips, you can improve your SaaS SEO strategy and attract more relevant traffic to your website, resulting in higher-quality leads and improved conversion rates.

To Conclude SEO is constantly evolving, so it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices. This includes keeping up with algorithm updates, changes in user behavior, and emerging technologies.

 By following these best practices, you can improve your SaaS SEO strategy and attract more relevant traffic to your website, resulting in higher-quality leads and improved conversion rates.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Is ChatGPT a real deal breaker for Content creation in SEO?

Is ChatGPT a real deal breaker for Content creation in SEO?
Is ChatGPT a real deal breaker for Content creation in SEO?

What is Chat GPT

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI. The tool is just an AI language and does not have consciousness or personal experience. Chat GPT uses a massive dataset of text and training data containing a vast amount of information on a variety of topics, which helps to generate human-like responses to a wide range of questions and prompts.

Chat GPT’s main goal is to assist users in generating text by predicting the next word or words based on the input provided to the AI. Chat GPT uses a variety of applications, including conversational interfaces, content creation, and question-answering.

As days go Chat GPT is advancing through the updates provided by OpenAI and strives to provide the most accurate and relevant information to the netizens.

Is ChatGPT designed to help with SEO?
Is ChatGPT designed to help with SEO?

Is ChatGPT designed to help analysts do SEO?

As a language model created by OpenAI, ChatGPT is not designed for SEO. Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the process of improving a website's visibility and ranking on search engines such as Google, Bing, etc. This happens by optimizing various website elements, including its content, structure, and coding, to make it more appealing to search engines and users.

ChatGPT, on the other hand, is an AI-powered language model that can generate text based on the input provided to it. The design of ChatGPT is not to impact SEO in any way. Chat GPT can provide information to help improve the quality and relevance of content for websites, which can, in turn, help improve their SEO.

It is important to note that SEO is an ever-evolving field, and many factors can influence a website's visibility and rank on search engines. However, ChatGPT is not one of them. But relying on the complete content from ChatGPT is not a good practice.

Then how exactly is the AI content from ChatGPT affecting the SEO?

Then how exactly is the AI content affecting SEO?
Then how exactly is the AI content affecting SEO?

Yes, some people indeed use AI-generated content, including that from ChatGPT, for SEO purposes. However, it is important to note that the quality of this content is not always high, and it may not always provide value to users.

Search engines like Google and Bing prioritize high-quality, relevant content that provides users value. If AI-generated content does not meet these criteria, it can hurt a website's SEO. For example, search engines may penalize websites for using low-quality, spammy, or duplicate content, which can hurt their ranking.

Therefore, SEO analysts and content creators should prioritize creating high-quality, original, and relevant content for your website, rather than relying solely on AI-generated content for SEO purposes. While AI-generated content can be useful in some cases, it is not a replacement for human-created, high-quality content that provides value to users.

To Conclude, AI-generated content can have an impact on SEO, but it is important to use it in a way that does not compromise the quality and relevance of the content. High-quality, original, and relevant content that provides value to users should always be prioritized for the best results. If You are looking for an SEO expert who follows the latest strategies rather than the traditional methods drop a message using the contact form and we can have a discussion. 



Monday, January 16, 2023

Should we use Outbound links in SEO?

Should we use Outbound Link in SEO?
Should we use Outbound Link in SEO?

 What are outbound links?

Outbound links or External links are links that point from one website to another. When a website includes a link to another website, it is considered an outbound link. For example, if website A includes a link to website B, that link would be an outbound link for website A and an inbound link for website B. Outbound links provide credibility and increases traffic for a website.

Should we use Outbound links in SEO?

Yes, Using Outbound links are beneficial for SEO. Outbound links help search engines identify the context of the website, and add credibility and trustworthiness to the source of the content.

Additionally, outbound links can also help to increase the number of backlinks to your website, which can boost your search engine rankings. However, it is important to use outbound links sparingly and only link to relevant and credible sources.

Can outbound link help SEO?

Outbound links can have a positive impact on SEO, but their effect is generally less significant than that of inbound links. Here are a few ways that outbound links can help SEO:

  • Credibility and authority: By linking to reputable and authoritative sources, you can signal to search engines that your website is a valuable resource on a particular topic. This can help to improve your website's search engine rankings.
  • Backlinks: Outbound links can also help to increase the number of backlinks to your website, which can boost your search engine rankings.
  • Improve User Experience: Outbound links that lead to high-quality and relevant content improve user experience on the website. It is a positive signal to search engines that the website is providing valuable information to the users.

When are outbound links useful?

Outbound links can be useful in a variety of situations, here are some examples:

  • Citing sources: When writing a blog post or article, it is often necessary to cite sources to back up your claims or to provide additional information. Outbound links can link direct readers to the source material.
  • Providing additional resources: Outbound links provide readers with additional resources or information on a particular topic. For example, if you are writing a blog post about a specific product, you might include outbound links to reviews or other articles about that product.
  • Building relationships: Outbound links can build relationships with other websites and content creators. By linking to their content, you can help to establish yourself as a valuable resource and potentially gain backlinks in return.
Outbound Link Building
Outbound Link Building

How to use Outbound links?

Here are some best practices for using outbound links:

  • Link to relevant sources: The sources you link to should be relevant to the content of your website. This will help demonstrate the relevance of your website's content to search engines and improve your search engine rankings.
  • Use anchor text: The text that you use to link to an external website is known as anchor text. It is important to use relevant and descriptive anchor text, as this will help establish the link’s context and can improve the user experience.
  • Use outbound links sparingly: Overusing outbound links can have a negative impact on your website's search engine rankings, so it is important to use them sparingly.
  • Use the "no follow" attribute: If you are linking to a website that you don't want to endorse or think is low-quality, you should use the "no follow" attribute. This tells search engines not to follow the link and not to transfer any "link juice" to the linked website.

Best practices for outbound links?

Best practices for outbound links include:

  • Use descriptive link text: The text used to describe the link should be descriptive and give the reader an idea of what the linked page is about.
  • Use target="_blank" for external links: This will open the link in a new tab, which is a good user experience.
  • Use rel="nofollow" for sponsored links: This tells search engines not to follow the link and not to pass any link juice to the linked site.
  • Limit the number of outbound links on a page: Too many outbound links can detract from the user experience and dilute the link equity that is passed on to other sites.

In conclusion, using outbound links can be beneficial for SEO as it helps to establish your website as a credible and trustworthy source of information. However, it is essential to ensure that the outbound links are relevant and high-quality, as linking to low-quality or spammy websites can harm your website's SEO. Therefore, it is vital to use outbound links strategically and with caution to make the most of their benefits while minimizing any potential negative effects.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Core SEO strategies for 2023 – Skyrocket traffic to your website

SEO Strategies 2023 - SEO Trends 2023
SEO Strategies 2023 - SEO Trends 2023


Search Engine Optimization or SEO is nothing but optimizing a piece of content or Your website to rank in the Search Engine Result Page (SERPS). The objective of SEO or searching optimization is to increase the traffic to a website on SERPs of Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Today I would like to take you through the Core strategies or SEO Trends 2023 that can boost your website traffic:

Trend #1: SEO Optimization for Online Shoppers:

SEO Optimization for Online Shoppers - SEO Trends 2023
SEO Optimization for Online Shoppers - SEO Trends 2023

Covid Pandemic and the revolution in technology have made more people shop online. The heavy competition in online shopping has made retailers analyse data and add the latest technology with a personalized shopping experience for customers.

To cope with the SEO trend, online shoppers in SEO are nothing but improving the ranking of products and services in SERPS specifically for people shopping online. Here are a few ways to optimize a website for online shoppers:

  • Product Page: Optimize your product page by including unique high-quality product images, with detailed product descriptions, and provide structured data to bots and crawlers of search engines to understand the content of the page.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Page optimization should start with Customer reviews and ratings. Customer reviews of the product improve purchasing decisions of potential customers and increase visibility in search results.
  • E-Commerce Tracking: Conversion tracking for E-Commerce should be set in Google analytics which would help to track important data such as sales, conversion rates, bounce rates, etc. This helps you to optimize websites based on well-performing products and pages based on netizens’ page visits.
  • Loading time: As pages and products increase the loading time may increase and this would affect the user experience of page visitors. Always focus on loading speed, if pages exceed the threshold try to migrate to technology like react.
  • Shopping Feeds: Adding shopping feeds to the website helps to list products like products in Google Shopping. This increases visibility and User Experience and drives more traffic to the website.
  • Payments & Shopping Options: Adding all sorts of payment and shipping options is crucial for online shopping. Use structured data and make all the options visible to users on your website. 

Trend #2: Include Video Marketing to boost SEO traffic:

SEO Optimization through Video Marketing - SEO Trends 2023
SEO Optimization through Video Marketing - SEO Trends 2023
Video Plays a major role in Engaging the users and helps to improve conversion. Video Marketing helps in SEO optimization by improving the Website’s visibility In Search Results. Here are a few Video Marketing Strategies to boost your website traffic:

  • Video Content SEO Optimization: Optimizing Video content is like other content of a website. The video should be useful to the viewers. Besides, you should include keywords the in the video title, description, and tags, as well as provide a transcript of the audio files.
  • Video Thumbnails: Always use a relevant thumbnail image with a text overlay that represents the content of the video. This helps to improve the click-through rate of the video.
  • Video Hosting: Always host videos on third-party sites like YouTube owned by Google. This helps to improve traffic to the website. Besides hosting videos on YouTube reduce the loading time of the website and increases engagement and reduces the bounce rate.
  • Video Metrics: Hosting videos on a platform like YouTube provides access to analytics. This provides performance of videos which helps in further optimizations. Details on Views, engagement, and demographics help to improve targeting and further optimizations.
  • Video Promotions: Share your videos on social channels along with calls to action such as links to the website or product page. SEO Optimization using Videos helps to increase visibility and traffic to the website.

Trend #3: SEO Optimization using Voice Search and Conversational Queries:

SEO Optimization through Voice Search - SEO Trends 2023
SEO Optimization through Voice Search - SEO Trends 2023

Voice Search and Conversational Queries are popular among people by use of Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Apple Siri, or other AI Voice search tools available in the market. Thus, Voice Assistant turned out to be an important piece in SEO Optimization by improving the visibility of websites or products in SERPS. Here are a few ways to optimize a website for voice search and conversational queries:

  • Use Long Tail Keywords: Voice Search Queries are usually longer and conversational. Using long tail keywords in content and meta tags helps websites to rank higher for relevant voice search queries.
  • Use Natural Language: People use natural language for voice searches. So, Content with natural language and relevant information will more likely to match users’ queries more relevant to the search.
  • Optimize for “near me” Queries: People tend to use “near me” queries in voice search for nearby businesses or information. So always optimize your website for local SEO Optimization by including the business's name, address, and phone number (NAP) and building citations.
  • Optimize for featured snippets: Featured snippets are nothing but an answer box that appears next to the search result page for a voice query. Featured snippet optimization and bring more visibility and traffic to the website for search queries.
  • Use Mark Up Schema: schema markup can help search engines understand the content on your website and match it to voice search queries. Use structured data to indicate things like business hours, reviews, products, and services.
  • Use conversational language: Voice search is conversational, so it is important to use conversational language in your content and make it easy for the user to get the information they want naturally.

Trend #4: SEO Optimization using Semantically Related Keywords:

SEO Optimization through Semantically related Keywords  - SEO Trends 2023
SEO Optimization through Semantically related Keywords  - SEO Trends 2023
Semantically related keywords are keywords that are related in meaning to the main keyword that a user is searching for. Using Semantically related keywords improves ranking and traffic to the website. Here are a few ways to optimize a website for semantically related keywords:

  • Use LSI keywords: LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) are semantically related keywords that help provide context to the main keyword on a webpage. By incorporating LSI keywords into a webpage's content, meta tags, and headers, search engines can better understand its content and relevance to a user's search.
  • Use natural language: Many searches are in natural language, so using natural language-integrated keywords on a website can help to make it more relevant to a user's search.
  • Use Competitor and keyword research: Keyword research and Competitor Research help to identify semantically related keywords that are relevant to the content. This helps to identify the user’s needs and the data can be used to optimize content for the website. This brings traffic and better conversion for the website.

Trend #5: SEO Optimization through images:

SEO Optimization through Images  - SEO Trends 2023
SEO Optimization through Images  - SEO Trends 2023
Optimizing images on a website helps to improve the visibility of the website by providing relevant information to users through the optimized images. Here are a few ways to optimize images for SEO Optimization:

  • File Name: The file name should always be descriptive and should include relevant keywords. This helps bots and crawlers of the Search engine to understand the content of the image.
  • Alt Text: Alt text describes the content of the image to netizens who may not be able to see the visual or image.
  • Image Size: Lage image files increase the loading time of the website which affects the user experience of netizens. So always use compressed images without reducing the quality.
  • File Formats: Some file formats are better suited for the web than others. JPEG, PNG, and GIF are common file formats used on the web, but JPEG is the best option for photographs, PNG for graphics, and GIF for simple animations.
  • Image Sitemaps: Creating and submitting an image sitemap to search engines can help to ensure that images on a website are indexed and appear in image search results.
  • Optimize images for mobile: With most of the internet traffic coming from mobile devices, it's important to optimize images for mobile by making sure they are scaled appropriately and loading quickly.

SEO Optimization (search engine optimization) trends change over time as search engines update their algorithms and how they rank websites. The bottom line is SEO Optimization should be the backbone for any marketing campaign to see better results. Following the above SEO strategies would always help you to lead in the competition.

A well-defined SEO plan would always bring performance in Search engine results, bringing more conversions and traffic to your website.

Always keep in mind that the SEO strategies that work today will differ tomorrow based on the late Algorithm updates. So always stay UpToDate with the change if you are an SEO expert or a website owner. Stay tuned for my next blog on Google Algorithm Update 2022 covering all the latest trends and updates on SEO.


Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Google Spam Algorithm Update Is Rolling Out, So It is Time to Prepare Yourself

 What is Spam Google Algorithm Update 2022?

Spam Google Algorithm Update 2022

The New Google algorithm update is an attempt to make the internet a safer place by reducing the amount of Spam on it. The process happens by analyzing and ranking websites based on quality and relevance. This would help netizens to find what they are looking for. Besides, Spam Google Algorithm Update 2022 would keep internet users safe.

How will the New Spam Google Algorithm Update affect SEO?

Google Announced a New Spam Google Algorithm update rolling out in October 2022. It would take a few days to complete the update rollout. However, Google has not revealed the exact details of the update. Google’s main aim is to improve the quality of the search results.

To summarise, the new spam algorithm is to eliminate the ranking of sites with low-quality content. So, for SEO to be unaffected, always focus on providing quality content on your website.

Spam Google Algorithm Update 2022

How to keep your website unaffected by Spam Google Algorithm Update:

You need to start optimizing now:

If you have not started optimizing your site yet, then its time to optimize right away. There are several ways to optimize your site before the algorithm changes. One of the easiest things you can do is make sure your site is mobile-friendly. Mobile users account for more than half of all internet usage today.

Start building links from high-quality sites:

You should also focus on getting links from high-quality websites. This will help with rankings and improve your indexing score in search engines. High-quality backlinks come from authoritative sources such as Wikipedia, Digg, and Reddit.

Focus on creating great content:

If you want to rank well in Google, then you need to make quality content for search engines. This means that you need to ensure that your site is mobile-friendly, easy to navigate, and contains relevant content.

Build trust with your audience:

In addition to making your site optimized for search engines, you also need to build trust with your audience. You can do this by creating high-quality content that people will enjoy reading and sharing.

Create a brand voice:

A brand voice is what makes your company unique. It is how you communicate who you are as a company and why people should choose you over others. If you are not sure where to start, here are some tips to help you develop a brand voice.


To conclude the update is to eliminate sites that use tricks to gather netizens’ personal information or install malware. Google also targets to eliminate spammy sites that trick internet users into highly relevant pages. The positive side of this update is that websites with low content are more likely to be considered by the helpful Content algorithm of Goole. The sites that are going to be hit by this update would take months to recover from the impact. So, keep up to date regarding the updates and take necessary actions for your website to rank higher in Search engines.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Marketing on Shopify


Marketing on Shopify

Have You ever thought of converting your Offline store to an E-Commerce website?

Then the answer to your question would be Shopify. Shopify is an online platform that allows you to create your online store to sell your products. The products can be physical, digital, Services, consultation, or anything which you plan to sell through an E-Commerce platform.

Shopify is a powerful platform managing billions of websites and sales. In the past planning for an E-commerce site was pain and things have changed with advancements in technology. Shopify is an E-Commerce website builder allowing you to build a website with a short duration of time. Even a person without coding knowledge can set up a website through the click and drag option. Shopify helps you to improve sales and grow through its powerful marketing tools.

What makes Shopify unique compared with other competitors available in the market?

Shopify helps to create an online store site through the drag and drop feature without any coding. It gives analytics and has many paid and free templates with customization options. It also provides customer support 24*7

Pros of Shopify:

·       Shopify has a payment system. So, there is no need for a third-party payment vendor.

·       When your business grows from hundreds to millions, Shopify provides support to scale your business.

·       Shopify provides guides, documentation, and 24*7 support to answer merchants’ questions.

·       Shopify accepts international currencies, allowing you to expand your business to an MNC.

·       The architecture of inventory is smooth and easy enabling you to handle your stock.

·       Drag and drop feature makes it easy to build site.

·       Paid and free templates help you to create your website.

·       Your products indexing improves because of friendly SEO features.

Cons of Shopify:

·       If you want to integrate third-party payment into your website, Shopify charges a small commission.

·       Those who use content marketing to boost products may be disappointed since Shopify has limited resources for blogging.

Now you know the pros and cons of Shopify. Now I will take you through the marketing strategies of Spotify?

Marketing Strategies:

1.      Email Marketing Campaigns - You can send business emails with offers, promotional deals, or new stock addition to customers. This encourages the customer to purchase. Shopify Email Marketing tool is user-friendly. So, add a strategy to collect emails from customers. Email Marketing Campaigns would encourage customers in purchasing.

 2.       Promotions and Push Notification – These are pop-up messages on your browser. Clicking these messages would drive traffic to your store. Shopify provide push notifications tools. Notification enables users to see promotions and offers of your products. This increases sales and encourages purchasing decisions of consumers.

3.       Referral Program – Shopify has referral Tools. Referral programs through existing customers further increase consumers. Gift cards and Vouchers should be given to Customers who refer. Reviews and Word of mouth from customers can increase sales through referrals.

4.       Customer loyalty Program – Shopify has apps that help you to provide loyalty programs. It’s nothing but bonuses and rewards. The more purchase you make more rewards, points, or bonuses you receive in your account. Future purchases can be done using these rewards.

5.       SMS promotions – SMS Marketing apps allow business owners to send promotional messages to consumers. This makes the consumers UpToDate with offers and promotions and thus increasing their purchasing desire.

6.       Customer Review – Consumers prefer to check reviews before they make a purchase. Always make sure to get your products reviewed by your existing customer on your website. This allows the visitors of the website to read the review and make purchases.

7.       Ad Campaign on Google and social media – Running Ads on Google, Facebook or other social media platforms requires a budget. But running campaigns allows you to reach potential customers based on characteristics. These ads campaigns data can be converted to remarketing. Ad campaigns are the fastest strategy in marketing to reach potential customers.

8.       Content Marketing – Writing blogs, posting images, videos all come under content marketing. Posting Content related to your business products will answer the questions of consumers. Eliminating confusion and solving questions will promote your product. Besides content marketing helps to explain how your product is unique from competitors’ products.

Shopify Added Features Include:

·       Facebook & Google Ad Integration

·       Free Messaging platform to communicate between consumers and your product experts

·       Spotify has a team to help you generate business name

·       Unlimited Stock photos to create your store online

·       Paid and free themes to develop your site

·       Email Tools are available which helps you to run email campaigns

·       Like famous website host Spotify helps you to choose a domain name for your website

·       Other than online service Spotify provides POS devices if you wish to improve your offline business payment method.

Signing up in Shopify:

Shopify provides a 14-day free trial to experience the services provided by them. Visit to create an account. On the initial page, they will ask you to fill in your details. After completing the registration process you can customize and built your store. The store brand name should be unique or they recommend you to choose something else. Browse the themes store and choose a theme. Check the functions and reviews of the theme before you choose it. Preview the theme to check whether it meets your requirements. Then go to settings to set your desired functions. Then you can start adding your products to the store. If you have multiple products group them under headings and subheadings. The new products added to the site can be done Manually and Automatically by defining specific instructions. Then comes the major part. The payment gateway should include Transaction fees, Card Types, Off-site Checkout. Then you can make your site go online. Shopify Admin panel has a tax section where you can set taxes for your products as well. Shopify calculates the shipping charges based on the rules you have defined for shipping. After setting the above, you can do testing to see everything works fine. Your website would go live if you give a unique domain name.

Pricing of Spotify:

Shopify has three plans Basic, Shopify, and Advanced. The pricing included $29, $79, and $299 per month. Visit Shopify and choose your plans according to your needs.


Shopify has customers across the globe. A person with no idea of an E-commerce site can start a site without any technical knowledge. Shopify provides 24*7 customer support. Shopify is highly customizable and has strong marketing tools which help you grow your business. Shopify can be described as a complete package for your E-Commerce website. There are fees associated with the services. But that makes Shopify a user-friendly platform. Now it’s up to you to decide whether Shopify meets your requirements.

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